All tagged Blessings

DIY: Bird challah

Celebrate Tu B’Shevat and Shabbat Shira with freshly baked bird challah. These cuties are so simple to make with frozen bread dough, and they can also be painted with “edible” paint! This is a wonderful way to honor birds on this special Shabbat! So let’s go bake and “paint” bird challah!

DIY: Edible snowflake

We’re celebrating the month of Tevet and the arrival of the winter with a flurry of snowflakes - edible marshmallow snowflakes! In Hebrew, snowflakes is pronounced Ptitey sheleg, and they’re pretty magical because no two are ever the same. With this snacktivity, we’re challenging ourselves to make as many different patterns as we can. Come make some with us, and don’t forget the hot chocolate too!

DIY: Have a family mitzvah day

During this time of year, it’s so wonderful when children have the opportunity to be the light for someone else by participating in an act of kindness. Today we’re sharing a wonderful family mitzvah - children making stuffed animals for other children in the hospital. Your invited to join us at our family mitzvah day and create your own tradition of an acts of kindness day too!

DIY: Pumpkin challah rolls

Celebrate pumpkin season (and Shabbat) with fresh baked pumpkin challah rolls. These cuties are so simple to make with frozen bread dough, and they can also be dressed-up for “challah-ween” with icing, sprinkles and candy eyes. This is a wonderful family activity for fall. So let’s go bake and dress-up pumpkin challah rolls!

DIY: Mini round unicorn challah

These adorable unicorn challahs are the perfect summer-pick-me-up! They’re extra fun for Shabbat or even getting through a long day. The shape also reminds us of the round challah we eat on Rosh Hashanah! The prep is super simple with frozen bread rolls (Shhh! It’s a secret! I’ll never tell). So grab a little, and let’s go make some magical fun!

DIY: Shluffy baby

Have you ever heard the Yiddish word Shluffy? It’s a loving word that tells your child, “It’s time to go to sleep.” Whether you have a little that easily goes to bed, or one that needs some extra encouragement, making a little Shluffy baby together is a sweet and loving activity that guarantees sweet dreams.

DIY: Challah baby necklace

To get ready for Tu B’ Av (the Jewish Day of Love), we’re thinking of all the Jewish things we love, and one thing that makes our heart flutter is Challah on Shabbat! We love baking challah and making challah baby necklaces too - especially when they’re all wrapped up in a dainty challah cover. Come make one with us!

DIY: Tissue paper rain-art canvas

Celebrate the season and welcome the soft rain showers of early spring with a beautiful piece of art made with rain and bleeding tissue paper. You only need a few materials - and the best part - if you’d like, your kiddo can even catch rain drops in a bucket to use in their creation! So let’s go make some rain art!

DIY: Handheld besom (broom)

Passover is coming, and with it, a time for cleaning and renewing. A besom is perfect tool for a spring cleaning. It’s known not only for sweeping, but for also providing your home with clean energy to purify and renew. You only need some pine needles and cotton cording. So let’s go make a handheld besom (broom)!

DIY: Edible dreidel

One of our favorite Hanukkah traditions is to not only play the dreidel game, but to also make yummy edible dreidels! These sweet treats are extra special because they’re the first food craft I ever did with my girls. You only need four ingredients to make your own. So let’s go make some edible dreidels!

DIY: Edible turkey

We thought it would be fun to make our own edible baby turkey - in honor of our upcoming “Turkey Day,” (Thanksgiving) which will be celebrated later this month in the United States. This is very easy to make - even for young children.

DIY: S’more pops

We’re getting to celebrate Lag B’Omer with a delicious treat - s’more pops! They’re officially our favorite dessert to eat on a picnic or around a bonfire, and they’re simple enough for little to make too! Come make them with us!