All tagged Shabbat

DIY: Love bug challah rolls

We’re getting ready for Valentine’s Day and Shabbat by making love bug challah rolls. These cuties are extra simple to make too by using frozen bread dough rolls, and their adorable shape comes from baking them in a muffin tin! You’re invited to make them too with your own little love bugs!

DIY: Bird challah

Celebrate Tu B’Shevat and Shabbat Shira with freshly baked bird challah. These cuties are so simple to make with frozen bread dough, and they can also be painted with “edible” paint! This is a wonderful way to honor birds on this special Shabbat! So let’s go bake and “paint” bird challah!

DIY: Pumpkin challah rolls

Celebrate pumpkin season (and Shabbat) with fresh baked pumpkin challah rolls. These cuties are so simple to make with frozen bread dough, and they can also be dressed-up for “challah-ween” with icing, sprinkles and candy eyes. This is a wonderful family activity for fall. So let’s go bake and dress-up pumpkin challah rolls!

DIY: Tabletop Sukkah

We’re bringing Sukkot and the fall harvest into our home by building a tabletop sukkah, draped in branches of tiny leaves and autumn flowers. It’s wonderful to experience building a sukkah, even if it’s small in size. For this project, you only need a few items - most found in nature. We show you all the steps in photos, so let’s go build a sukkah!

DIY: "Painted" rainbow challah

We’re “painting” rainbow challah to celebrate the first Shabbat of the New Jewish Year! We made edible paint from natural food colors, and used challah as our canvas. This is such a fun food craft for all the little artists in your life, or anytime you want to add a little extra color and happiness to your Shabbat! So come “paint” some challah with us!

DIY: Tissue paper printed candles

On Rosh Hashanah evening, right as the sun sets, we begin our holiday by lighting candles. This year we made special festival candles by drawing doodles on tissue paper and then melting the paper into the candle wax. This is a fun project for all ages. So let’s go bring some warmth, love and light into our New Year by making Rosh Hashanah candles!

DIY: Mini round unicorn challah

These adorable unicorn challahs are the perfect summer-pick-me-up! They’re extra fun for Shabbat or even getting through a long day. The shape also reminds us of the round challah we eat on Rosh Hashanah! The prep is super simple with frozen bread rolls (Shhh! It’s a secret! I’ll never tell). So grab a little, and let’s go make some magical fun!

DIY: Challah baby necklace

To get ready for Tu B’ Av (the Jewish Day of Love), we’re thinking of all the Jewish things we love, and one thing that makes our heart flutter is Challah on Shabbat! We love baking challah and making challah baby necklaces too - especially when they’re all wrapped up in a dainty challah cover. Come make one with us!

DIY: Challah heart-pop

With so much love in the air this month, we wanted to celebrate the love of family and friends this Shabbat with heart-shaped challah-pops! Little cakes on a stick are just so cute, and they’re so easy too! So let’s go make some Challah Heart-Pops!

DIY: Bird houses

Today is my favorite Shabbat of the year - Shabbat Shira (Shabbat of Song). On this special Shabbat, we honor birds and celebrate their songs. We’re decorating birdhouses for this wonderful day! It’s the perfect little activity for Tu B’Shevat and Shabbat Shira!

DIY: Mitzvah superhero capes

It’s fun to dress up as a superhero, but even more fun - and more special - to be a mitzvah superhero! Our cape is covered in all kinds of felt “mitzvah” stickers. Each sticker reminds us of a special way to be kind. This is an adorable activity to do with littles, so let’s go be super mitzvah heros!