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Our Happy Tribe!

This blog is filled with ideas to turn everyday moments into Jewish moments, especially for families with young children.

Visit a strawberry farm

Visit a strawberry farm

Celebrate Tu B’Shevat by eating fruit and enjoying the beautiful world around us!


In Central Florida, we’re right in the middle of strawberry season. With a chill in the air, and the promise of warmer days to come, picking strawberries (and eating fruit and nuts) for Tu B’ Shevat is a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday, and early spring too!


There are so many ways to enjoy the beautiful world around us at a strawberry farm! Smelling something fragrant, tasting something sweet and walking through rows and rows of strawberry plants bursting with red berries and tiny white flowers is the Jewish value Hoda’ah (appreciation).


In Hebrew, strawberry is pronounced Tut. The fruit is soft all the way through (like figs and raspberries too).

If you don’t have a strawberry farm near you (and even if you do!) it’s fun for children to taste all kinds of fruits and nuts on Tu B’Shevat, and to discover how different varieties come from the ground - like soft fruits (strawberries), fruits with shells (walnuts, coconuts and bananas), pits (olives, dates and apricots), and seeds (apples and pears). A special Tu B’Shevat activity is for families to make a Tu B’Shevat fruit salad together using many different kinds of fruit.


If you do happen to eat a strawberry, you can say a special blessing before taking a bite!

Ba-ruch A-tah A-do-nai E-lo-hei-nu Me-lech Ha-O-lam Bo-rei P’ri Ha-Adamah


What fruits are growing where you live during the Hebrew month of Shevat? Let us know in the comments below, and let us know what type of fruit your family likes to eat on Tu B’Shevat!

There are so many fun activities to celebrate the month of Shevat and Jewish holiday Tu B’Shevat. Click here for DIY Beanie Baby Necklaces, DIY Edible Almond Tree, DIY Recyclable Party Hats, Birthday of the Trees Nature Walk, DIY Plant a Tree Seedling, and Planting Early Spring Peas for Passover.

Happy Shevat and Tu B’Shevat! ♥


We spent the day at Oak Haven Farms in Sorrento, Florida. We were able to see all the different strawberry fields on a hayride.

We spent the day at Oak Haven Farms in Sorrento, Florida. We were able to see all the different strawberry fields on a hayride.

DIY: Planting early spring peas

DIY: Planting early spring peas

DIY: Plant a tree seedling

DIY: Plant a tree seedling