All tagged Winter

Hanukkah Round-up

There’s so much to love about Hanukkah! This eight-day festival is filled with candle light, miracles, spinning dreidels, donuts (sufganiyot) and dreams too! They’re so many ways to celebrate, and we share some of our favorite recipes, activities and DIYs, especially for families with young children!

DIY: Red thread bracelets with seed beads

Today I’m making special Valentines (Galentines!) for my girlfriends - sweet bracelets on a thread with 13 seed beads! Not only does the number 13 have special significance to the Hebrew word for love (Ahavah), a red string bracelet is also known in mystical Judaism to bring protection and luck, so these simple bracelets pack a lot of power! Whether you are making one for yourself or several for friends, we share the tutorial to make your own!

DIY: Baby goat snow globe

Hello Tevet! We recently began this new month on the Jewish calendar. Tevet is known for the start of winter, and also for the baby goat (kid) or gedi in Hebrew (so cute)! We’re celebrating this new season by making a very special snow globe. You can read more about the gedi and see the process to make your very own winter wonderland too!

DIY: Edible snowflake

We’re celebrating the month of Tevet and the arrival of the winter with a flurry of snowflakes - edible marshmallow snowflakes! In Hebrew, snowflakes is pronounced Ptitey sheleg, and they’re pretty magical because no two are ever the same. With this snacktivity, we’re challenging ourselves to make as many different patterns as we can. Come make some with us, and don’t forget the hot chocolate too!

DIY: Winter yarn tapestry

It’s the start of winter (horef in Hebrew) and a new month! We’re celebrating the new season with a winter yarn tapestry, complete with icicles (yarn strands), snowflakes (circular weavings) and snowballs (pom-poms). This is a festive project for grown-ups and kids alike! Come celebrate winter and make a yarn tapestry with us!

DIY: Snowball pom poms

This is a special tutorial to learn how to make fork pom-poms which look just like snowballs for our winter yarn tapestry. This is one of my all time favorite crafts and simple to make for grown-ups and kids alike. So let’s go make some pom-poms!

Winter Round-up

As we say goodbye to Hanukkah, we welcome the arrival of a new season and the month of Tevet, which is known as the darkest month of the year. We created all kinds of warm and cozy DIYs and activities (all with a Jewish connection) to celebrate all month long. We hope these activities and the glow from all the candles lit during Hanukkah will keep you filled with light, warmth and love all winter long.

DIY: Coffee speckled clay menorah

We’re deep diving into Hanukkah celebrations with some wonderful new DIYs, like this speckled clay menorah in a simple design. I make a lot of projects with littles in mind, but this menorah is a wonderful project for adults (it involves coffee and wine)! So let’s go make a menorah for the Festival of Lights.

DIY: Dreidel necklace

To spread smiles and happiness this Hanukkah, we’re making colorful dreidel necklaces to share with some of our favorite friends. We use paint chips from our local home improvement store to make these cuties, and string the necklaces with beads in different shapes and sizes. This is the happiest (and easiest) dreidel necklace for littles, so let’s go make one!

DIY: Paint chip dreidel garland

One of our favorite traditions is to decorate our home as a family for Hanukkah! My most-loved decorations are handmade, like these festive dreidel garlands and mobiles - all from a collection of paint chips. This is a wonderful collaborative project to do with littles, and we show you all the steps to make your own!